NVQ Assessors

NVQ Assessors

An NVQ assessor’s role is to provide support to active National Vocational Qualification (NVQ)
students, guiding them to achieve the goals required for their chosen qualification and assessing
their achievements, ensuring they are on the right path to gaining the standards required to achieve
their NVQ. This is structured by offering training guides, advising company training staff and holding
workshops which enable assessors to give structure and feedback to students working towards the
required NVQ award milestones.

Salary: Up to £50,000, but typically around £25,000

How to become an assessor?

If you believe you hold the skills and commitment to guide students to the completion of their NVQ
level, you will need to have certain qualifications yourself.

If you are looking to train now, you will need to complete a QCF Assessor course.
If you have already completed a training course, your D32/33 or A1 award is still valid but will need
to update yourself on the new assessor standards.


The typical role of an NVQ Assessor:

–       assessing in detail the portfolio of the candidate

–       asking candidates how they would deal with situations they may find themselves in.

–       keeping a record of the progress, as specified by the relevant NVQ provider/organisation.

–       observations of the candidates at work.

–       working with managers of candidates to ensure tasks are completed.

–       general support of the candidate.


Career advancement from assessor

Are you an NVQ assessor looking for the next step? Why not advance to an Internal Verifier?
The role of a verifier is to ensure the NVQ assessors are delivering the quality support needed for
students of NVQ courses.

You will need to hold the NVQ assessor qualification, have experience on the subject you wish to
verify and also complete the V1 award.

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