NVQ Levels

What are NVQ levels?

You may wonder why an NVQ course would be best suited to you, compared to the likes of A level AS level and degree level. GCSEs, A levels, AS levels and degrees are all examples of NQF (National Qualifications Framework) qualifications. NQF qualifications are recognised in Wales, Northern Ireland and England. NVQs fall into the QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework) category, also within Wales, Northen Ireland and England. Both NQF and QCF are regulated by Ofqual, DCELLs and CCEA.

What are NVQ levels?

In a nutshell, NVQs are divided into levels 1 to 5, level 1 being the equivalent of GCSEs grade D – G and level 5 the equivalent of an HND/HNC.


NVQ Level 1

Able to demonstrate competence involving applied knowledge in performing multiple predictable and standard work tasks.

NVQ Level 2

Able to demonstrate competence involving applied knowledge in performing multiple significant work tasks. Working in teams is a requirement at this level.

NVQ Level 3

Able to demonstrate competence involving applied knowledge in performing a broad range of non-standard, complex work tasks. There is significant responsibility at this level with a focus on guiding others.

NVQ Level 4

Able to demonstrate competence involving applied knowledge in performing a broad range of non-standard, complex work tasks taking responsibility for others’ work and, in some cases, controlling resources.

NVQ Level 5

Able to demonstrate competence involving applied knowledge in performing a broad range of non-routine, complex work tasks, taking responsibility for others’ work, almost certainly controlling resources and implementing strategies at a high level.

The chart below gives comprehensive information on NVQ levels and their corresponding NQF qualifications:


NQF qualifications QCF qualifications
GCSEs grades D-G
Key Skills at level 1
BTEC Introductory Diplomas and Certificates
OCR Nationals
Functional Skills at Level 1
Skills for Life
NVQ level 1
BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at level 1
Functional Skills at level 1
Foundation Learning Tier pathways
GCSEs grades A*-C
Key Skills level 2
Functional Skills at Level 1
Skills for Life
NVQ level 2
BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at level 2
Functional Skills at level 2
OCR Nationals
A levels
Key Skills level 3
GCE in applied subjects
International Baccalaureate
NVQ level 3
BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at level 3
BTEC Nationals
OCR Nationals
Certificates of Higher Education NVQ level 4
BTEC Professional Diplomas Certificates and Awards
Various higher diplomas
HNCs and HNDs
NVQ level 5
BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards
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